Collaborative Leadership
Fiona Stewart
Non-Profit Leader & Author
Leadership & Collaboration
"Strong leaders foster collaboration and teamwork, work to reduce barriers for all to succeed, and ensure that all have a voice."
About Fiona
Fiona has worked as a teacher and director in early childhood programs, a college instructor, grant administrator, program director and as a consultant, trainer, and speaker on various topics.
As the Program Director of the Child Care Alliance of Los Angeles, she oversees county-wide programs, including QRIS programs, the Gateways for Early Educators™ professional development system, and the California Early Care & Education Workforce Registry.
Fiona was awarded a Master Leader from the Exchange Leadership Initiative and is the author of "Building Together: Collaborative Leadership in Early Childhood Systems."
Teaching and Presenting
Fiona has presented numerous workshops such as:
McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership Conference - "Leadership for Change: Transforming Organizations & Communities"
CAAEYC Professional Development Forum - "Building Together: Collaborative Leadership for ECE Workforce Development Systems"
Jewish ECE Leadership Institute - "Building Community Through Leadership"
CA Child Care Administrator’s Association Leadership Institute – “Leveraging Strategic Partnerships to Support Programs”
California State Advisory Council on Early Care and Education -"Strengthening Our Statewide Systems: Expanding the California ECE Workforce Registry”
California CCR&R Network/CAPPA Annual Conference -"Workforce Coaching - Best Practices"
Quality Rating Improvement System Summit -"Coaching and Assessment"
California R&R Network Webinar - "LA’s Coaching Model: Successes and Outcomes"
New York City AEYC -"Children at the Core of Your Curriculum: Supporting Child Centered Planning"
NY State AEYC -"Developing a Mentoring Program: A Community Effort to Strengthen the Early Childhood Profession"
Leadership for Change - Webinar series at Redleaf Press (find them here)
As an adjunct faculty member at Pacific Oaks College for 15 years, Fiona taught many courses including:
Working with Children in a Diverse World
Working with Adults
Conflict Resolution and Mediation
Early Childhood Themes and Life Cycle Issues
Social and Political Contexts of Human Development
Advanced Studies in Human Development
Working with Bicultural Children
"Effective leaders, through their words and actions, demonstrate what is possible."
Fiona lives and works in the Los Angeles, CA area.
She is also mom to a young adult son and a dog, who when Fiona is writing, often looks at her like this.
Check out Fiona's blog, "What Fiona Is Thinking" on the BLOG page.